Good morning world!
I realize I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately, but that does come with a few very valid reasons, well one really... I've been extremely, and incredibly busy as of late.
I take 5 daytime courses 5 days a week, as well as working 32 hours a week at a Tim Hortons shop near my place doing graveyard hours from 10pm-6am the following morning, and I usually have a class 4 hours later if not less. Fun, right?
Onto the main post, I'm actually considering doing some contract web development work after, at the very least, this current semester. Not quite sure how I'm going to go about it just yet, but I figure I'll look into some sample contracts to see what I can write up, as well as shop around for comparative prices.
I'd actually really like the opinions and comments of my readers regarding this. I've never done contract work before, save for working in landscaping in the past for a company, and all our work composed of the contracts my former employer had.
I will try to post more often, but in the event that I don't, it's really because I'm, as several people have put it, "burning the wick at both ends".
Hold Your Head High