Well followers, after a long Summer of working outdoors mowing grass, weeding flowerbeds, trimming hedges and, dare I say it... NOT PROGRAMMING??? I have returned to provide more code, and offer my services as a technician. If anyone has any computer problems, please let me know. I may be of some assistance. I know Windows XP and 7 environments as well as Linux kernels Fedora and Ubuntu.
This semester I'll be learning a bit of SQL (Structured Query Language), and some more Java (yum!). I may read up on a bit of C++ from my reference books at home, and I'm also learning more HTML/XHTML this semester as well. This is my 2nd year in my 3 year program, so the 2.0 seems a bit fitting. Still needs a bit of refining, but that will come in later patches. :P
I'll write some code here starting next week. Just taking this week to get things squared away first.
Hold Your Head High