Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Login... Apply Patch... Saving - No wait, don't unplug that!!! ... Well crap.

Well, it's been a long time coming, but finally another blog post to update readers on my life thus far.

Let's see, still working my job at a Network Management Center, doing 40 hours a week actually.
Still going to school as a Full-Time student, I recently got a girlfriend, which I'm pretty excited about, I got my own apartment in Montreal with my dog and cat to take care of, and whatever social life I can fit around all of that.

Now for school, I'm actually taking 3 courses, which given the number of classroom hours I do per week is actually just enough to remain as a Full-Time student. Those 3 courses are:
Graphical and Wireless Programming (We're learning how to develop programs using the Android OS)
.NET Programming (We're learning how to develop programs using Visual C++)
Network 1 (Which in short is Theoretical Network; studying the OSI Model, different types of connections, and how they work, etc.)

Network I expect to go fairly well given the fact that I have been working in a Network Management Center for the past almost 13 months. Whoot! Android is quite honestly a bit of a pain in the ass to learn, but I'll manage... somehow. C++ seems ok so far. I gotta get used to not having my errors highlight themselves automatically in the IDE I'm using (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010) compared to Eclipse highlighting my Java errors.

So now the question I'm sure someone is asking themselves, how the hell can I do all this and work and have a relationship at the same time? Simple.

I like keeping busy. :)
